
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in Semitic 7.

There are twenty-two candidates for the Exeter nine.

There are 10 English courses at Leland Stanford University.

Marks are out in Math. 2, Math. C, Physics C and German 3.

The national assembly of the L. A. W. meets at Columbus, Ohio, Feb, 15.


Boston University has decided to abolish tug-of war contests at that college.

There are sixty-two schools of law in active operation in the United States.

H. K. Turner, the well known Andover pitcher, has entered Technology '95.

The U. of M. nine has only been allowed an absence of live school days.

Iowa State University has gymnasium classes for the professors three times a week.

At a recent meeting of the Lampoon Board J. H. Parker '93 was elected president.

The Cornell and U. of M. nines will not play this year. Michigan has won for the last two years.

The new board of editors for the Yale Law Journal will hereafter be selected by competition.

Rowland B. Mahaney '88, has been appointed United States minister, plenipatenriary to Ecudor.

The Theological Department of the Chicago University has extended a call to Rev. Philip S. Moxom. D. D., of Boston.
