J. S. Wadsworth '95 has left college.
The cricket team practiced in the cage yesterday.
All members of the senior class at Yale have been invited to submit contributions for the Ivy Ode.
The freshman nine ran on the gymnasium track yesterday.
The Cambridge Y. M. C. A. held an indoor meeting Wednesday night.
Brown and Princeton will meet on the diamond for the first time next spring.
The total number of students in the State University of Iowa is 901.
Stevens will not have a base ball team during the coming season.
Marks are out in French 6, Phil. 11, German E and Geology I.
There will be 900 lockers in the new Yale gymnasium.
L. E. Gordon has been elected captain of the Wesleyan eleven for next year.
A summary of Jevon's Primer of Logic is due in English B next Tuesday.
There are fifty candidates for bow in the Princeton 'varsity crew. - U. of M. Weekly.
The Yale freshman nine will play the Brown freshman nine April 30th at Providence.
The new Brown gymnasium has been opened. The cost of the building and apparatus was $67,500.
A new Princeton button has been designed. It is a tiger head with "Princeton" engraved on the collar.
The alumni of Trinity had a re-union and dinner last night, at which Dean Lawrence was one of the speakers.
The three greatest things in college at present, says an exchange, are: the cap and gown, university extension and football.
President Dwight of Yale will contribute a series of papers on "Hints on Self-Education.' to be issued in the Youth's Companion.
A. P. Carter '94, of Newtonville, while coasting last evening ran into a post and was seriously injured by a wound over the forehead.
Professor George F. Baker, of the University of Pennsylvania, has been appointed by President Harrison as a member of the commission to test the coinage.
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