
Religious Statistics of Cornell.

The Cornell Christian Association has compiled the statistics of the religious position of the students there. Of the freshman class, only 15 per cent. are not church members or church-goers. 53 per cent. of the men who entered the college last term are members of churches in good standing and 27 1-2 per cent. have joined the Y. M. C. A. Of these 125 have become active members while 14 are associates. 270 out of the freshman class of 1891 are members of churches. In the class of 1892, however, there are 74, or nearly twice as many men who are not church men as in the class of '91. The freshman class of 1891 is divided, as regards religious preference, as follows:

Presbyterian, 56

Episcopal, 55

Methodist, 49

Congregational, 29


Baptist, 27

Roman Catholic, 22

Unitarian, 5

Lutheran, 6

Universalist, 4

Miscellaneous, 17

These statistics certainly do not tend to sustain the idea, which is perhaps somewhat general, that Cornell is unreligious.
