
University Extension.

The second National Conference on University Extension will be held in Philadelphia December 28th to 30th, inclusive, under the auspices of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching. The leading colleges and universities have already appointed representatives, while from the 200 active centers in the various States have come promises of large delegations.

The conference will be opened with addresses of welcome by Provost Pepper and Dr. Brooks. The leading addresses of the session will be given by President Henry Wade Rogers, of the Northwestern University; President George Edward Reed, of Dicknson College, and President William Preston Johnston, of Tulane University.

The supply of lecturers, the sequence of courses, the best methods of examination and certification, the junctions of university extension journalism and the proposed world's congress on university extension in connection with the Columbian Exposition will be some of the topics considered.

W. H. Warren. '80, formally assistant in the chemical laboratory is with Squibbs and Sons, manufacturing chemists, Brooklyn, New York.

The trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital have appointed a committee to consider a joint exhibit with the university at the World's Fair.


Professor Prince, of John Hopkins University has been appointed Professor of Oriental Languages and Literatures in the University of the City of New York.

Prof. Putnam's ethnological exhibit at the World's Fair is to be removed to a new building and the educational exhibit will take its place at Manufacturers Hall.

The 'varsity eleven had a dinner last night at Miss Cotters. They presented her with a silver bowl as a mark of their appreciation of her kindness toward them this fall.
