The Union will hold a public meeting in Sever 11 at 7.30 Friday evening to choose speakers for the Yale debate. A large audience of college men is needed and expected. The debate which Harvard held with Yale last year were only the beginning of what promises to make an important part of college life and a welcome addition to intercollegiate contests
Already Princeton and Yale are negotiating for a debate to be held in New York in February, and among the smaller colleges. Amherst and Dartmouth have also caught the spirit and a debate between them is possible.
Last year the debate held was practically a pioneer effort. Yale, profiting by our experience, made the debate in New Haven an affair most noteworthy and most successful. Now that the debate comes again to us we must carry it through in a manner befitting Harvard.
The first step will be the choice of good speakers Friday evening. All men in the university are entitled to speak, but each man's speech must not exceed five minutes. The question, accurately stated, is as follows: - "Resolved, that the power of railroad corporations in the United States should be further limited by national legislation." Dean Briggs, Professor Taussig, and Mr. Hayes have kindly consented to act as Judges. The three best speakers in college are wanted and every man, with any ability in that line, should present himself Friday night without fail.
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