A general university extension conference will be held at the University of Chicago, Dec. 27. Prominent extension workers from all parts of the country will be present.
President Dwight of Yale is to give a series of receptions, on the first Monday of each month, to all the members of the University. The first one took place last Monday.
$225,000 of the necessary $230,000 needed for the new Yale gymnasium has been raised and it is expected that the rest will be raised very soon, largely from the freshman class.
The Yale Cooperative Society has decided to sell a membership ticket, good for four years, for five dollars hereafter while according to the old plan membership cost two dollars a year.
Of the six Judges of the Supreme bench of Baltimore City three are Princeton graduates; Judge Charles E. Phelps of the class of '52 Judge, J. Upshur Dennis, '65, and Judge Pere L. Wickes, '56.
A small elevator shaft has been put into University running from the printing room in the basement to the top floor. It is fitted with electric bells and speaking tubes, and connects with each of the floors.
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