

'VARSITY ELEVEN. - The men who were at the training table at the time of the Yale Game are requested to meet at 10 Oxford St. Thursday evening Dec. 8th, Dinner at 7 o'clock.

MANDOLIN CLUB - Rehearsal Monday afternoon at 4.30 p.m. Very important that everyone attend.

C. R. STETSON, Sec.HARVARD CAMERA CLUB. - The new dark room keys are now ready. Members may secure theirs of F. H. Cummings, 60 Thayer.

54t2The new lockers are ready. The first hundred of those who have made written applications may now make their selections and sign the lease in the locker book.



UNIVERSITY CREW COLLECTORS. - I shall be in my room, 22 Beck Hall from 11.30 to 12.30 on Saturday morning. Collectors will please bring their books.

J. H. MORGAN.H. P. C. THEATRICALS. - The following men will meet at 5 o'clock today: Griswold. Wilder, Gade, Tisdale, MacVeagh, Bell, Brown and Emmet.


Amusement Committee.
