The fourth number of the Lampoon is out.
There were fifty honor men at Exeter last term.
Yale has seventy three students in the graduate department.
There will be an examination in Botany 2 on Wednesday, Jan. 11.
A new Wellesley Preparatory School has been founded at Natick.
Carter, full back on the M. I. T. eleven will enter Cornell next year.
The new building for the Yale Medical School will be finished next June.
In the past three months thirty students have been suspended from Brown.
Yale is considering the question of using an aluminum shell next year.
Atherton has been elected captain of the University of Illinois eleven for next year.
The constitution of the Harvard Cooperative Society is to be revised and published.
The University News of Chicago will consist of four volumes a year, one for each term.
A chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa has been established at the University of Minnesota.
Mrs. Boardman of New Haven has given $60,000 to found a school for manual training.
Mac Grave Cox, '79, responded to the toast "Yale" at the Columbia Alumni Association banquet.
The Yale Alumni Association of Colorado will hold its twelfth annual dinner at Denver, January 6.
The History Reading Room will be open during the vacation with the exception of Monday, December 26.
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