OUR review of the catalogue for 1892-93 was completed at such a late hour Monday night that it was impossible to make any general comment upon it. Taken as a whole, it shows many changes and improvements in the University over last year. The increase of students is of course notably large, the list of instructors has been enlarged, a greater number of courses have been offered and there are many other indications of the growth of the University. We shall refer later to certain special important changes in the catalogue; at present we can give only a general account of it.
The appointment of George Everett Adams LL. B. of Chicago to the Board of Overseers is a notable innovation. For many years the members of the Board of Overseers have been residents of New England or New York and the West has had no representation. The appointment of Mr. Adams will be advantageous in bringing an element of a different character to the Overseers and of bettering our hold upon the graduates in the west. There have been several important additions to the Faculty. Most important is the appointment of William J. Ashley of the University of Toronto, Professor of Economic History, - a new department here in Economics, - and the appointment of Hugo Munsterburg, Professor of Experimental Psychology. The faculty has further been increased in the departments of Engineering, Mathematics, English and others.
This report of the catalogue is very gratifying for it indicates a marked advance in every branch of the University, a decided tendency to enlarge our Faculty by every good instructor we can find, and to offer a satisfactory and broader curriculum. No previous catalogue has shown the University to be in such an excellent condition.
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