SOON after the close of the Christmas recess the theatre services on Sunday evenings will begin again, and such Harvard students who are willing to assist in them are asked to do so this year. Last year the support was not what it might have been; there was only a small number of students who had sufficient interest in the work to attend the meetings and do what they could to make them successful. These Sunday evening services are held under the management of the City Episcopal Mission of Boston, and are intended to reach the large class of people who attend no church. Last year Columbia Theatre was well filled every Sunday evening with all kinds of people, principally those of the lower class who seldom get a chance to hear a good preacher. Some of the preachers have been prominent clergymen in the city, such as Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks, Rev. Edward E. Hale, Rev. Phillip Moxom and others. These services met with good success; they reached the class of people for whom they were intended and there were many pathetic instances of individuals who were especially benefited by them. The City Episcopal Mission looks to us to help in the singing, it wants a good chorus of men to lead in the hymns. It is asking very little of a college man, - an hour or perhaps half-an-hour on Sunday evenings for benevolent work that is greatly appreciated. Last year the call for help was but feebly responded to; and this year, considering the earnest character of the work and its success, every man who can do anything should be willing to do it.
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