
Special Notice.

DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport Private lessons.

1y.POLO PONIES FOR SALE. - Two Ponies broken to harness, driven single or double will sell one or both. Can be seen at stable, 122 Line street, near Inman Sq.


THE Cambridge Safe Deposit and Trust Co. at No. 424 Harvard St. cor. of Linden is now doing a regular banking business.

Checks will be cashed on any Bank or Banking House in the U. S. and interest is allowed upon daily balances subject to check.


Banking hours 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Safety Vaults open from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m.

tfBoston and Albany and New York Central to Chicage and the west. Wagner vestibuled sleeping cars. Time to Chicago 26 1-2 hours.

Rates, general information, sleeping-cars reservations etc. given by the agent F. L. Young, at the office of Stacy, Adam Co's store 440 Harvard St. (next to Thurston's) from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. daily.
