

H. P. C. THEATRICALS. - Gade, Tisdale, Bell, Brown, T. Blake, Bardeen, Wilder, Nichols, Keyes at 5 o'clock sharp.


Amusement Committee.FINE ARTS 3 - ITALIAN 3. - Professor Norton is still unable to meet his classes.

NINETY-THREE CLASS PHOTOGRAPHER. - The contract for the class work has been awarded to Pach Bros. Mr. Tupper is ready to begin work at once. Seniors are requested to sit as soon as convenient.



Committee.GERMAN F. - There will be the usual exercise on Thursday Dec. 22, and compositions are due as assigned.

CONRAD BIERWITTH,'93 CREW. - There will be an important meeting of last year's '93 and substitutes in my room, 78 Mt. Auburn St., Tuesday evening at seven o'clock.

GEORGE E. BURGESS.FRESHMAN CREW. - Worden, Frothingham, Russel, Gould, Rice, Stillman, Booth, Webster, Dibblee, Brewer, Lewis, Bullock, Duffield, be in the rowing room at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

F. W. WATRISS.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION: - Professor Lyon's Bible Class. Holden Chapel at 9 a.m. Lecture on the characteristics of Jeremiah. Reguler meeting Sunday Evening at 6.30. All members of the University are invited.

VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - No rehearsal today. See Monday's CRIMSON.

