
Winter Trip of the University of Pennsylvania Foot-Ball Team.

A new departure in athletics will be undertaken by the University of Pennsylvania foot-ball management during the Christmas holidays. The Pennsylvanian speaks as follows of the project:-

"It is proposed that a series of foot-ball games be played with teams throughout a number of the Southern States, and a definite arrangement has been made for games in Richmond, Charlotte, N. C., Birmingham, Atlanta, and New Orleans, between the University of Pennsylvania and representative teams from those cities. The trip will begin on December 18, when the 'varsity team will leave for Richmond, where they play their first game. The following games will extend through two weeks, until the last date in New Orleans, when the team will return home and break training for the year. This winter tour has two main objects. In the first place, it is a slight recognition on the part of the University of the unusually successful labors of the team during the past season. It will also serve the purpose of bringing the university more immediately before the minds of men in the Southern States than would, perhaps, otherwise be the case. There has always been a strong Southern element among the students in the University, and it needs but a little additional prominence in the attention of the yearly out flow from the Southern preparatory schools to bring the men in much larger numbers in our direction."
