Dr. Hale yesterday afternoon at the chapel spoke to a large audience about the jubilant enthusiasm of a religious life.
After reading portions of the third and fourth Philippians, Dr. Hale said: We can't read far in Paul without entering into his joy in the Lord. We are to think of Paul as a university man, influenced largely as young men are by great respect for the past. At first submissive to the duties imposed upon him he began to chafe under the restraint, and later keeps referring to the joyful day that made him free.
We don't know what a religious life is until we feel a jubilant enthusiasm You will often have this or that person say It is easy enough for him to be lighthearted; it is his temperament. I wish I had such a disposition." The true reason that your friend is light-hearted is that he has a closer walk with God. He knows this is God's world, he sees God in everything he does, wherever he goes. He lives in God, he moves in God, and in God he has his being. It should be the aim of science, history, philosophy, to teach a closer walk with God. During the afternoon the choir sang the following selections: Anthem, The Radiant Morn-Woodward; Solo, Turn unto Me (from Oratorio of Eli)-Costa; Anthem, Say Watchman-Sullivan. Soloist, W. H. Fessenden.
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