
Special Gymnastic Classes.

In response to the call issued in yesterday morning's CRIMSON for a meeting of those students desirous of joining special classes for the development of men for the winter meetings the following men presented themselves: W. E. Putnam '96, E. A Mott Smith '95, R. D. Farquhar '93, F. G. Jackson '93, Seldon Delany '96, Thayer Martin '95. G. Gray '96, J. B, Chamberlin '96, Julius Slemfeld L. S, M. C. Ford '95, K. G. T. Webster '93, N. Kishimotto Dv., H. P. Williams L.S., F. Mason '96, F. B. McNear '95, P. T. Jackson '93, O. N. Cushman, H. G. Dorman '94 A. W. Jeardian '96, E. E. Clarke '94, G. E. Townshend L. S., F. W. Moore '93, and K. Macallister '93.

The classes will begin to-day. Mr. Lathrop will have general supervision. For the sake of facilitating the work F. W. Moore '93, will take charge of the work on the horizontal bar, R. D. Farquhar '93 of the tumbling and R. Macallister '93 of the work on the parallel bars. For the present those wishing work on the horizontal bars will please be at the gymnasium dressed for practice every day from 11 to 12; and the others from 3.45 to 4.45 p.m.
