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Bonsall, the broad jumper of the University of Pennsylvania has entered the Yale Law School.

The treasurer of the Yale Y.M.C.A. published his annual report last Friday. The receipts of the association for the past year were $1967.85, and the expenditures $1849.44 having a balance of $118.41. The money sent to foreign missions amounted to $429.78 and to home missions $199.65.

A circular letter has been sent out by the Young Men's Christian Association of Chicago. It mentions arrangements that have been made for the accommodation of association men at the World's Fair, and the manner of obtaining rooms in the building which has been specially reserved.

The Gun Club team had its picture taken yesterday afternoon.

A Yale graduate in New York has promised a cup to the class winning the largest number of points in the spring Yale-Harvard or Inter-Collegiate games, as may be decided upon later. The cup will be kept in the trophy room of the gymnasium. If it is won three years in succession by any class it will become the property of the class and be suitably inscribed.


The senior class at Exeter has elected the following officers: President, A. J. Draper; orator, E. W. Smith; his orian, F. J. Mahoney; prophet, F. W. Johnson; speaker to undergraduates, H. A. Norris; poet, A. K. Moe; first marshal, C. B. Barton; second marshal, R. R. Hollister; memorial committee, Lyman, O'Brien, Pillsbury; executive committee, Swain, Seymour, Quinby.
