
Harvard Reform Club.

The Harvard Reform Club which has been suspended during the fall, resumed active work again last evening by organizing itself for the coming year. S. M. Brice '93 was elected president; J. D. Hubbell '94, secretary, and E James '95, treasurer. F. G. Caffey, L. S., O. G. Villard '93, and G. C. Lee '94, were chosen members of the executive committee, the other members and the vice presidents to be appointed later.

The club started in 1889 as the Harvard Free Wool Club, but last year the objects of the club were extended beyond a mere reform in the tariff, and the club devoted itself to the broader subject of political reform. The club welcomes any member of the university regardless of party, who is in sympathy with the objects of the club - reform. Men who are not yet members may apply to the secretary, J. D. Hubbell, 7 Linden st.

At the meeting last evening the plan was discussed of having a dinner at which the prominent reformers of the country should be present and speak. The club will also hold meetings in Sanders Theatre at which well-known speakers will talk on the important questions in political reform.
