A theme is due in French 2 on Friday.
Homer's Iliad will be begun in Greek A today.
There are 18 men on the Amherst Glee Club.
Boston University is to have a crew next season.
An Athletic Association has been formed at West Point.
Watriss, '92, and Vail, '93, are coaching the freshman crew.
Carlyle's Goethe must be finished in German by the mid years.
The last Illustrated American contains 21 pictures devoted to foot ball.
The class of '86 held their monthly meeting and dinner Saturday afternoon at Parker's.
The Yale crew candidates have stopped training until next term on account of examinations.
The requirements for admission to the architectural department at Cornell will be raised in 1894.
The U. of P. Faculty has been authorized to purchase a large tract of land to enlarge the athletic field.
The annual dinner of the Williams Alumni Association will be held at Hotel Brunswick, Thursday, December 15.
A. J. Cumnock has an article in the Christmas number of Wide Awake entitled "Advice to School Foot-ball Captains."
A Southern base ball league is to be formed by the universities of the states of Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and Tennessee.
Professors Hadley, Adams, and Smith of Yale will today choose two of the three speakers to represent Yale in the Yale-Harvard debate.
The annual meeting of the American Psychological Association will be held at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia on Tuesday, Dec. 27.
The freshmen won the class championship at the Technology games on Saturday by 13 points. Hurd '96 broke the record for the 35 yard hurdle race.
Professor D. G. Lyon will probably give a course of six lectures on "The Assyrian Monuments and the Bible" at New Haven on Friday evenings beginning Feb. 17.
The plan of allowing the editors of the college papers at Boston University to count their work on the papers as a part of their required college work, has been given up as impracticable.
Professor Adolphe Cohn lectured on "Shakespeare in France" at the second annual public lecture of the Shakespeare Society of Columbia College. Professor Cohn left Harvard two years ago.
The eleventh annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists will be held at Princeton, Dec. 27th-29th. Papers will be read by professors from John Hopkins, Columbia, U. of. P. University of Chicago, Princeton and others.
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A Visitor from Japan.