
Cross Country Runs.

The annual cross-country run, an event instituted last year for the first time, took place yesterday afternoon under favorable circumstances.

At quarter of four fourteen men lined up in front of the gymnasium and started out to cover the five and a quarter miles in the quickest possible time. The course was the same as last year and was marked by a trail of paper, laid previously during the afternoon. The men started at a very fast pace and soon were separated into two squads. The three leaders kept well together the entire distance and the slower men struggled along about a quarter of a mile behind. The trail lay across the common to Concord avenue, to Walden street; thence across the fields to the junction of the Fitchburg railroad and the Watertown branch, where the runners were checked for the first time; up the Fitchburg tracks to the Glacia is, the place of the second check; from there in a south westerly direction around Fresh Pond drive to Cushing street, down Cushing to Mount Auburn station, where the men checked for the third and last time. The final from here was down Brattle street, through Mason and across the common, terminating in front of the Law School and was very close and exciting, Manley winning from Nichols in the last few strides. The time was much slower than last year, but this is probably due to slight changes in the course.

The first ten men and their times are appended.

Name Time

1. J. Manley '93 33m. 42 4-5s.


2. J. O. Nichols L. S. 33m. 43 2-5s.

3. D. W. Fenton '95 33m. 49s.

4. J. L. Coolidge '95 34m. 9s.

5. J. M. Sherschewsky '95. 35m.

6. R. T. Fox '94 35m. 55s.

7. H. P. Williams L. S. 35m.

8. J. A. Stetson L. S. 38m.

9. A. E. Ullman '96 38m. 40s.

10. G. L. Gentry L. S. 39m. 20s.

The other starters were Patterson, Chittenden, Curtis and Clark.
