
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lecture in Economics 10 today.

German readings are given regularly at Yale now.

Saturday recitations in Engineering B will begin today.

There will be an examination in History 1 on Monday, Dec. 12.

Colgate College has been without a president for three years.


There are twenty-two men trying for the Sophomore crew.

The merchants of Ithaca are subscribing to Cornell's foot ball fund.

The Yale freshman eleven will be photographed next Wednesday.

Cornell, and Stanford, will probably try aluminum shells this seasm.

The Yale Banner for '92 - '93 will be put on sale Wednesday, December 14.

Prof. Hardy has refused to accept the presidency of Dartmouth College.

A naval academy will probably be established on the lake front at Chicago.

In French 5, fixed topics for conversation will be assigned after Christmas.

The Yale first term examinations begin on Saturday and continue till the 21st.

"Simplicissimus" is to be read outside of class before the mid-years in German 9.

There will be no examination in Philosophy 1 this year before the Christmas recess.

The reading hour in German 9 has been given up and a lecture is now given in its place.

Columbia college is making arrangements to challenge Princeton to a joint debate.

The School Review is a new journal, the first number of which will appear in January, and which is to be devoted to the needs of primary and secondary education. President Schurman of Cornell will be editor and publisher.

The faculty of the University of Edinburg has voted to admit women to the courses.

The Sophomores defeated the Freshmen, at the Univ. of Penn., on Tuesday, by a score of 6 to 4.

At the annual indoor meeting of the B. A. A. there will be a team race between Amherst and Dartmouth.

The dress rehearsal of the French play will be given on Wednesday night, open to all members on the conference.

A Bumstead, '95, and A. E. Skinner, '95, will represent Yale at the coming Inter-Collegiate Chess Tournament.

The oldest association at Cornell is an Agricultural Association, which was for merly known as the Greely Club.

C. C. Tyler. of Yale has an article in the December issue of the Harper's Young People, entitled "The Foot-ball Season of 1892."

There will be an hour examination in Geology IV Dec. 21. All men who get C or over will be excused from the midyear.

The members of last year's winning crew of Yale are to be given gold seal rings, with the Yale record inscribed on them.

The Sophomore class of Princeton is invited to attend the annual hop given by the students of the U. S. naval academy at Annapolis.

Dr. Easton of the University of Pennsylvania is the author of a new book entitled "Observations on the Platform of Persepolis.

The skating carnival of the N. E. A. Skating Association will take place Jan. 27 and 28 at either Spy Pond or Wood Island Park.

Professor Williams of Cornell has an article entitled, "The Effect of Scientific Study on Religious Beliefs" in the Christmas Century.

W. B. Tuthill of New York and Professor Hamlin of Columbia College are lecturers on architecture at Cornell for the coming year.

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