
The New Sheffield Building at Yale.

The work on the New Mechanical Engineering building at Yale, is now almost completed. The building is four stories high, and its shape is that of a parallelogram, with round towers at each corner.

The windows are trimmed with terracotta and arched over on the second and third floors. The basement is to be devoted entirely to the mechanical laboratory, and the hydraulic laboratory. A room in the front half will also contain the testing and heating arrangements. The first floor will be used entirely by the students of the Mechanical Engineering course, and will contain drawing rooms, lecture rooms, and the library. The second and third floors will be devoted to the physics laboratory, the optic room, and several large drawing rooms. The fourth floor is divided into two large halls which will be used as examination rooms.

The halls are already completed with the exception of the lighting fixtures. The stairways leading from the different floors are complete, the steps being made out of thick slate. In each roomis a large steam heating arrangement and also an automatic ventilator. In the basement are the machines, such as hydraulic presses, lathes, motors, etc. The boiler rooms and heating apparatus which is to supply the heat in the building is practically completed, and fires have been kept going in the furnaces for the past ten days. The addition to the building in the northeast corner is the least finished part of the structure. This is to be the steam engine laboratory. In a few weeks the seats will be placed in the different rooms, and the drains and basins of the laboratories will be ready for use.
