The CRIMSON has completed arrangements to publish the official returns of the presidential elections to-night by a stereopticon. The screen on which the returns are to be cast will be hung from the window of Joll's barber shop, where they can be seen from nearly every point in the square. The stereopticon will be piaced in the window of Allnutt's Dining Rooms and if possible a wire will run directly from there to the main office. The returns are furnished by the Western Union Telegraph Co. and will come from New York. A competant operator on this end has been engaged and providing there is no unforeseen accident the returns given out will be as complete and official as those of any other place. Provisions have been made to run the stereopticon for ten hours though it is hardly likely that they will be needed so long. It is impossible to state now at what time the first returns will be made, probably about nine o'clock.
The impression that has become prevalent in college to the effect that the returns are to be posted inside Lyceum Hall and admittance charged, is entirely erroneous. The returns can be seen by anyone who cares to stand in the square.
The polls to-day will open at six this morning and close at quarter past four in the afternoon.
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