

THERE will be a meeting of the CRIMSON Board in the Sanctum at 6.45 sharp to - night.

DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - Meeting Monday evening, Nov. 7, at 8 o'clock in the Union Club room, Robert's Hall, Lecture by Prof. von Jagemann about the "Brothers Grimn."

L. S. DAMON, Sec.FINE ARTS 3, HOUR EXAMINATION. - Students who have leave of absence on the 8th inst. will be excused from the examination.

C. E. NORTON.HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB. - Team practice today at 22. All candidates for the team must be present.

C. B. PIKE, Capt.'96 ELEVEN. - ALL candidates for the freshman eleven be on Jarvis at 3.00 sharp.


A. BORDEN,Temp. Cap.
