

No Headline

THE Prospect Progressive Union has begun this year under excellent circumstances which indicate clearly the need of the Union answers and the good work it is doing. Considering the short time it has been in existence it has made considerable progress. The work was begun a year ago last February, and struggled for some time with a great deficiency in the number of active members and in its financial support. Its aims - to give instruction to laborers of all kinds, have been broadened and extended in every direction, and it is purposed to enlarge them still further. The Union is already reaching a number of laborers of every class, laborers who enter into the work with an earnest spirit and an interest which arises not a little from the fact that their instructors are Harvard students. There remain however, certain courses for which there is a call, and there must be students in the college who are able to instruct in them and whose services would be very beneficial. But outside of these subjects any man will be welcomed who can and will teach in any subject. We earnestly urge any college man who takes an interest in this beneficial work and can give the small amount of time a week it calls for, to send his name to the committee.
