
The Scratch Races.

The fall scratch races of the Weld Boat Club were rowed yesterday in two heats of three crews each, the winners of first place going into the finals.

P. H. Lombard acted as starter, and May and Sargent judges at the finish. Everything went of smoothly except for a little delay and the races were finished by five o'clock.

In the first heat crew No. I, Lambert stroke, Abbot, S. H. Foster, and W. H. Sterns won easily over crews Nos. 2 and 4. They rowed well together and showed the result of practice.

Crew No. 3, Lund stroke, Marsters, Peabody and Nichols, won the second heat over crews 5 and 6. They got a good lead at the start and kept it throughout.

The final heat between crews 1 and 3 was very close, No. 3 coming in first by about a length. Cobb '94 was coxswain for the winning crew.

