A meeting of the alumni and other persons who are interested in the erection of a new building for the Harvard Dental School will be held in the Horticulture Hall, Boston, today at 12 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting is to select the best method of obtaining the necessary money for the new building. President Eliot will preside and the Rev. Bishop Brooks and other prominent speakers will address the meeting.
The Dental School has performed more than 125,000 practical operations, giving its experience and skill freely to all-comers. The school is now situated in Grove street and the building is inadequate to the present wants of the school. A better equipped building is needed. It is hoped that a desirable place near the school may be found for the site of the new building, and that the public will lend a generous support. The present members have done all in their power to sustain the school and now outside aid will be looked for. In the meeting today an account of the work done will be given and an appeal for assistance made.
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