TRE Graduate School has just issued a pamphlet which gives an interesting account of the numbers in the school and from the many colleges in all sections of the country they have been drawn. The gain this year in numbers is not inconsiderable and it shows clearly what an important part of the University the department is fast growing to be. Perhaps nothing shows the position and influence that it holds among other colleges than the fact that six of its members for example, come from such a distant college as the University of Michigan, five from the University of California, besides representatives from nearly every college in the West and the South.
Such a showing as this is extremely gratifying to us, for it indicates clearly that the liberality and broadness of our courses of study, in the Graduate Department especially, are becoming more and more recognized and appreciated west as well as east of the Mississippi. The administrative board of the Graduate School is exceptionally strong, including as it does some of the best and foremost instructors and thinkers in the country. We are inclined to agree with others in beliving that, as other colleges grow up in various parts of the country and increase in influence with the public, we must, perhaps, lose or at least weaken to a certain extent our hold upon the West. But that day, we trust, is far distant and at present we are still growing in every direction. The Graduate School especially, with the advantages it offers in the large number of fellowships and scholarships and the liberal extent of its curriculum will continue to attract here scholars who can appreciate the broadness and strength of the University.
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