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THE Freshman game on Saturday was well played on both sides, and while the result may be unsatisfactory for both sides, it showed the effect of careful and conscientious work on the part of our men, and the playing was highly creditable to the team. The eleven was one of the best freshman elevens that has represented Harvard the last few years. The coachers have worked faithfully and earnestly and the additional coaching of members of the 'varsity the last few days has had good effect. The work of the team, though more effective in the first half than in the second, when Yale had braced and played with more determination, was very careful at all times. The two teams were so evenly matched that it gave more than usual interest to the game and while victory has not fallen to us the playing of Ninety-six was always fair and gentlemanly and effective. The management of the field, however, was poor; the force of policemen was inadequate and better arrangements might have been taken to keep the crowd from the field. But aside from this the game was one of the best with Yale witnessed in Cambridge.
