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BESIDES congratulating the freshmen on their good work we wish to give the thanks of the college to the men who worked so hard during the last week to get the freshman team ready for the game. To Mr. Newell for his hard and faithful work during the earlier and more discouraging part of the season a large share of these thanks is due, but it is especially to the great number of graduates and 'varsity players who have coached for the last week that we wish to show our gratitude and appreciation now. The list is too long for us to name all the men here. It molded such men as Beals and Cabot '94, and Trafford, Newell, Waters and Halowell, but these were by no means all. To these men and to all the others is due the excellent team game that Harvard Ninety-six played on Saturday, and the fine individual work as well. Too much credit cannot be given them, and they have the thanks of the entire University.
