DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4 at 8 P. M Odd Fellows Hall Cambridgeport. Private lessons.
1y.SECOND SEASON. - Harvard Dancing School. Roberts Hall. Tuesday's and Thursday's 9 to 6. Private lessons, $2. All the latest dances. Call at the hall or address Prof. Geo. P. Chick, Posse Gymnasium, Boston.
tf$10 00 REWARD will be paid and no questions asked for return of a seal-ring, with seal of a man's head in Roman armor, ost at Springfield or in the cars between Hartford and Springfield on the day of the Harvard and Yale game. Apply to
47t3LOST. - On Wednesday night, a black purse, containing a twenty and ten dollar bill. Finder will be liberally rewarded on returning the same to Felton 5.
48t2LOST. - In or near the College Yard on Nov. 23 a scarf-pin representing an enamelled lady-bug under glass. Please return to 31 Hilton.
TAKEN by mistake, a blue double-breasted overcoat from the Boylston Laboratory, Please leave at Leavitt & Peirce's.
MRS. French will give instruction in dancing to those wishing private lessons, singly, or in small classes. 38 Winthrop St., cor. Holyoke.
t-th-mCONVERSATIONAL German in small classes and tutoring in German. Four years experience. Good references.
M. Binder, '93, 41 D.
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The Brown Game Postponed.