On December 28, nine conferences, each composed of ten instructors from the various schools and colleges of the country, will meet at appointed places to consider the investigations of its members into the subject of study assigned it by the governing committee.
The committee is one appointed by a Conference held at Saratoga this spring, for the investigation of uniformity in educational methods. The discussion of the Conference, resulted in the following recommendations which it sent to the National Council of Education then in session.
First: that it is expedient to hold a conference of school and college teachers of each principal subject which enters into the programmes of secondary schools in the United States, and into the requirements for admission to college - as for example of Latin, of Geometry, or of American History - each conference to consider the proper limits of its subject, the best method of instruction, the most desirable allotment of time for the subject, and the best methods of testing pupils' attainments therein; and each conference to represent fairly the different parts of the country.
Secondly: that a Committee be appointed with authority to select the members of these conferences and to arrange their meetings, the results of all the conferences to be reported to this Committee for such action as it may deem appropriate, and to form the basis of a report to be presented to the Council by this Committee.
Thirdly: that this Committee, consist of the following gentlemen: -
CHARLES W. ELIOT, President of Harvard University, Chairman.
WILLIAM T. HARRIS, Commissioner of Education.
JAMES B. ANGELL. President of the University of Michigan.
JOHN TETLOW, Head-master of the Girls' High School and Girls' Latin School.
JAMES M. TAYLOR, President of Vassar College.
O. D. ROBINSON, Principal of the High School, Albany, N. Y.
JAMES H. BAKER, President of the University of Colorado.
RICHARD H. JESSE, Chancellor of the University of Missouri.
JAMES C. MACKENZIE, Head-master of the Lawrenceville School.
HENRY C. KING, Professor in Oberlin College.
These recommendations of the Conference were adopted by the National Council of Education on the 9th of July.
The above committee will appoint the members of the conferences, which are to investigate the following subjects: Latin, Greek, English, other modern Languages, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Chemistry, National History (Biology, including Botany. Zoology and Physiology), History, Civil Government, and Political Economy, Geography (Physical Geography, Geology and Meteorology.)
It is further stated in the circular of announcement that, "The Committee of Ten desire to be advised by the Conferences concerning the best possible - almost the ideal - treatment of each subject used in secondary school course; yet s they would not have the Conferences lose sight of the actual condition of American schools, or push their recommendations far beyond what might reasonably be considered attainable in a moderate number of years."
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Cornell Mass Meeting.