
Fact and Rumor.

There will be an hour examination in History 10 on Friday.

A sum of $375 has been raised for religious work at Amherst.

There is a deficit of $36,000 in the finances of Cornell University.

The junior crew will go into training next week under Captain Bond.

T. L. Frothingham '84 and G. R. Nutter '85 were in town yesterday.


H. D. Sears has been elected captain of the Yale freshman eleven.

There are 300 graduate students at John Hopkins to 212 undergraduates.

Professor Norton gave an informal reception to men in his courses yesterday.

About 50 men went to New York to see the Yale - Princeton game yesterday.

The baseball league is considering the question of moving pitcher's box further away.

The New York Athletic Club will hold a boxing entertainment Saturday evening.

A system of measuring similar to Dr. Sargent's has been introduced at Bowdoin.

The first college branch of the Christian Association was organized in 1858 at Ann Arbor.

During the past year 55 new branches of the Y. M. C. A. have been formed in colleges.

Casper Whitney says in Harper's Weekly that Wallis is the best tackle in the country.
