
Yale-Princeton Game.

Now that the Yale-Harvard game is finished, interest centres on the contest tomorrow between Yale and Princeton. Both elevens are in good condition, their practice the last few days being only sufficient to keep them in good trim. The feeling at Princeton is one of confidence, and much stronger than it was after the game with the U. of P. eleven. On the other hand Yale is none the less confident, for judging from the game Princeton has been putting up so far this season it is thought that she cannot oppose them very strongly.

The make up of the two teams will probably be as follows:


Randolph l. e. Hinkey

Lea l.t. Winter


Wheeler or Fiscus l.g. McCrea

Balliet c. Stillman

Hall r. g. Hickok

Harold r.t. Wallis

Trenchard r.e. Greenway

Morse q.b. McCormick

King h.b. L. Bliss

Poe h.b. Graves

Homans fb. Butterworth.
