A collection of portraits of the distinguished alumni of Bowdoin College is to be prepared for exhibition at the World's Fair.
Professor Lyons conducts a Bible Class in Holden Chapel on Sunday afternoons, under the auspices of the Christian Association.
The Faculty of Brown University has voted to accept work on the college papers in place of some of the regular English work.
Professor Brinton of the University of Pennsylvania has been appointed by President Harrison, Assistant Commissioner to the Exposition to be held at Madrid in commemoration of the discovery of America.
Beginning with this week an important change is to be made in the Commons at the University of Chicago. The management is to be put into the hands of the students who will run it in much the same way as Memorial Hall is run. Each department of the university will have a representative in the board of directors, and one member for every 100 students or fraction of 100 in each department The university will advance the money to start the commons, and at the end of each term the expense will be equitably divided among the students.
Apropos of English at Colleges, the NATION publishes the following clipping from the ARIEL of the University of Minnesota:
"With this edition of the ARIEL the present editor of this department, having a very generous feeling for my fellow students, and not wishing to see any of them miss the advantage to receive the benefit that is always desired from a good honorable position, and having held the position for over one year, could not conscientiously hold it any longer, thereby standing in the way of some fellow student, therefore I resign, and have the pleasure of introducing to the readers of the ARIEL, Mr. Thomas A. Haight, a bright and energetic young man of the class of '94, who no doubt will fill the position better than it has been for the past year. We all wish him success in his new work."
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