All First Forensics will be returned by Dec. 15.
A French Club has been formed at the Annex.
A Shakspere club has been formed at Darthmouth.
Cross-country runs are held three times a week at Yale.
Conferences in Geology 4 will be suspended this week.
A biological club has been formed at Brown University.
Wesleyan will have a biological exhibit at the World's Fair.
Nearly all the 'varsity eleven coached the freshmen yesterday.
Marks on the hour examinations in German 4 and 5 are out.
The Brokaw Memorial Building at Princeton is almost inclosed.
The new lockers at the gymnasium will be ready for use this week.
The Chicago Freshmen have voted to wear caps and gowns regularly.
The candidates for the crew at Yale are still rowing on the harbor.
A new Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa has been initiated at Tufts College.
The weekly paper in History XIII will be postponed till next Tuesday.
The Idler Club of the Annex will give its annual tea on November 29.
A new electrical building is to be erected at John Hopkins University.
The University of Chicago plays the University of Illinois on Thanksgiving.
A summary of Book II, chapter I of the Rhetoric is due in English A on Saturday.
The Columbia Dramatic Club is going to repeat the play "Confusion," this winter.
The subject for the next theme in German IV will be, "Goethe und Frederika" deu Nov. 28.
Mr. Gulick will give a lecture on "Lysias," Monday, Nov. 28th, at 12 in Harvard 1.
Neither the sites nor the architects for the Conant or the Fine Arts building have been chosen.
The quarters of the University of Chicago consist at present of a dormitory and lecture hall.
An appropriation of $6000 a year will be given hereafter to the University of Vermont by the state.
Rev Mr. King of Christ's Church, Cambridge, addressed the St. Paul's Society in 17 Grays last night.
A base ball game between Harvard and Yale graduates was played in San Francisco last Saturday.
Last week's Frank Harper's Illustrated Weekly contains an article on football by B. W. Trafford.
The first football eleven of the Univesity of the South won five out of six games played.
Vincent, Princeton's end rush of last year, will be unable to play in the Yale game on Thanksgiving day.
Messrs. Baker and Carpenter, instructors in English C. are also instructors in junior forensics at Wellesley.
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