

NOTICE. Mandolin Club; Rehearsal tonight at 7 p.m.

TICKETS for the Yale - Harvard Freshman Game will be sold Tuesday morning at 8.30 o'clock at Leavitt & Piece's.


W. S. SOULE, Mgr.ADVOCATE. - There will be a very important meeting of the Board this evening at 7.30 in 25 Thayer Hall.

Charles W. Shope, sec.ALL members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Harvard, who joined at other colleges are requested to meet Tuesday evening Nov. 22nd, at No. 1 Shepherd Block, Holyoke St.


42t4'96 ELEVEN. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Jarvis at 3.00 sharp. Great need of more men.

A. BORDEN,Temp. Capt.
