M. L. Black '91 was in town yesterday
A theme in French 6 is due tomorrow.
Walter C, Nichols '93 was in town yesterday.
President Andrews of Brown has sailed for Europe.
The Cornell Football Association is $1,100 in debt.
The marks in Philosophy I have been announced.
Fisher '95 has been elected an editor of the Princeton Tiger.
The Intercollegiate Chess tournament will begin December 27.
A professor's club will probably be formed soon at the U. of P.
A. H. Bullock '96 has been appointed Manager of the freshman crew.
Barnes '88, ex-President of the CRIMSON was in Cambridge yesterday.
Highlands of Harvard will not play on the B. A. A. team Thursday.
At Cornell, a short winter course in agriculture will be given this year.
Williams gets only a single day's holiday at Thanksgiving this year.
The New York Sun, Tribune and Times have 111 college men on their staff.
The Scientific School at the University of +++.
At Brown $2,609 has been subscribed for an association building, by the students.
A movement to form an International Cycling Association is on foot in England.
The M. I. T. will hold a boxing tournament in their gymnasium about Chrismas.
Keller, Yale '92. is travelling secretary of the Student Volunteer movement this year.
The College of South Carolina is to be given up on account of the lack of students.
The Princeton Glee Club will make a western trip this winter instead of going south.
Yale will have no more practice except in signals before the Princeton game on Thursday.
The Bowdoin Glee Club will make a concert tour this winter with the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs.
The Dart mouth Union has challenged Amherst to a debate on some subject to be agreed on later.
Ex-Governor Chamberlain of New York began a series of lectures on Municipal Law at Yale last week.
An attempt is being made at the U. of P. to form a club to be known as the Pennsylvania Student's Union.
The old graduates of the U. of P. who live in or near New York City are going to form an alumni association.
The freshman class at Williams has been divided into three parts, the division being based on scholarship.
The Olis, the annual junior paper at Amherst, will appear before the Christmas vacation on Friday night.
The Cornell Thanksgiving holidays extend from Wednesday night to the next Tuesday morning.
A number of '95 +++ marched in the Milton torchlight precession, in their red caps and gowns last night.
McCrea, Hickok and Greenway of the varsity team will play on the Yale Freshman +++ on Saturday.
The Dramatic Association of Williams College has offered a prize for the best play submitted by a member of the college.
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Early History of Harvard-Yale baseball.