CRIMSON. - There will be a regular meeting of the CRIMSON Board tonight at 6.45 sharp.
CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - During the week of prayer for colleges, a fifteen minute prayer service will be held every day at 1.05 p. m. Holden Chapel. All members of the University are urged to attend.
39t6ALL members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Harvard, who joined at other colleges are requested to meet Tuesday evening Nov. 22nd, at No. 1 Shepherd Block, Holyoke St.
42t4FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB - Rehearsal tonight at 6.30 p. m. at 862 Main St. All must come.
F. S. HOPPIN Jr., temp. sec.ALL the men who are going to march in the torchlight procession tonight at Milton, must be at the Old Colony Station Kheeland St. to take the 7 45 train.
'96 ELEVN. - The following men be on Jarvis at 3 o'clock sharp. Foster, Shea, Worden, Russell, Rice, Clark, Brewer, Arnold, Fennessey, Gould, Richardson, Mannaham, Maston, Duffield, Faxon, Warren, Lewis, Duff, Hamlin, Bulbard, Scott, Ingalls, Selfridge, Paine, Norton, Steadman, Bullock, Booth. Every one be on time.
A. BORDEN, Tempt. Capt.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Important rehearsal at 7.
ALL students are urged to attend Mr. Copeland's lecture in Sever 11 tonight on "The Art of Reading."
FACULTY.HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION. - Meeting to-night, at 6.45, in Holden Chapel. Prof. J. H. Thayer will speak. All are cordially invited.
TICKETS for the Yale - Harvard Freshman Game will be sold Tuesday morning at 8.00 o'clock at Leavitt & Piece's.
W. S. SOULE, Mgr.DEUTSCHER VEREIN - Meeting Monday evening Nov. 20 at 8 o'clock, Union Club Rooms. Initiations & committee reports.
L. S. DAMON, Sec.H. T. S. - Tonight at 8, at 3 Holworthy.
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