
Appleton Chapel.

By far the largest audience that has assembled in Appleton Chapel on any Sun day evening this year listened last evening to Bishop J. H. Vincent, D. D. He took as his text Gen. I:31; "And God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good."

The o'd idea was that the world and worldly things were evil; that the flesh must be crucified to save the soul; that the things of this life must be forgo ten in contemplation of things eternal. It is true the Bible seems to teach such ideas in certain places but we must consider the times of the writers, the local coloring given to divine inspection. But we have grown out of these old ideas. We realize that man can be as truly religious in the counting room as in the prayer-meeting, that he is as much in God's service while holding the throttle of a mighty engine as amid the quiet and seclusion of the sanctuary. All things are goods, the +++ comes from their perverted use. +++ participating in all of this +++ work and pleasures, with a mind +++ with the goodness of it, all we are truly tending Godward.
