

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 6.30 p. m. at 862 Main St. Everyone must come.

F. S. Hoppin, Jr. temp. sec.ZOOLOGY I. - The next lecture in Zoology 1 will be on Tuesday Nov. 22.

E. L. MARK.CRIMSON. - There will be a meeting of the CRIMSON Board Monday night at 6.45 sharp.

VARSITY FOOT BALL. - Practice will begin at 2.45 sharp. Every man must be prompt. If any man cannot be dressed ready for play at that time he must see me before 1 p. m. today,

All those who do not tackle before playing must tackle immediately after practice.


B. W. TRAFFORD. Capt.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - During the week of prayer for colleges, a fifteen minute prayer service will be held every day at 1.05 p. m. Holden Chapel. All members of the University are urged to attend.

39t6ALL new clubs formed during the past year and not represented in last year's Index must send list of officers and members to Wm. H. Wiggin Jr., 6 Beacon St. Boston before Nov. 12 if they are to be represented in the Index this year.

tf'96 ELEVEN. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Jarvis at 3.00 sharp. Great need of more men.

A. BORDEN,Temp. Capt.ALL members of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Harvard, who joined at other colleges are requested to meet Tuesday evening Nov. 22nd at No. 1 Shepherds Block, Holyoke St.

42t4ANY club to be represented in this year's Harvard Index must have its list of officers and members in the hands of W. H. Wiggin, Jr., 6 Beacon street, Boston, within three days.

42t2BISHOP J. H. Vincent will deliver a short address before the Oxford Club of the university at 4 o'clock, Sunday afternoon in the Epworth M. E. Church. All members of the university are cordially invited.

