The Christian Association passed a very pleasant and informal evening in its new rooms in Holden Chapel. The meeting was well attended and all present listened with great interest to Mr. Hadley and Mr. Griffin of the Jerry McAuley Mission, Mr. George J. Parker of Boston sang, and the Guitar and Mandolin Club played several pieces, among others Andalusia, Sueno d' Amor, Roumania.
Mr. Hadley took for his text, John IX: 25. He first gave a history of the mission. Twenty years ago Jerry McAuley a common river thief became converted and founded the mission. Since then missions have been established all over the world. They have been very successful. The men in the missions are all converts, and realize, as only such can, the terrible degredation of an outcast drunkard. With untiring patience they labor to rescue their fellow men. They work through faith in prayer and in Jesus Christ.
The story of Mr. Hadley's labors in the 4th ward mission, 316 Water street, appealed strongly to all interested in philanthropy.
Mr. Jeremiah Griffin, a fellow worker of Mr. Hadley, told in a simple and effective manner the story of his life. Born of respectable parents he received an ordinary education and learned the trade of an iron moulder. His fondness for drink proved his ruin, and seven years ago he was a wretched outcast of the worst type. He struggled in vain against his terrible failing, till through the efforts of Mr. Hadley he was brought to pray to Jesus Christ. That alone saved him and Mr. Griffin says that is the only thing can save others.
The meeting adjourned after refreshments had been served.
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