CRIMSON! - There will be a Special Meeting of the CRIMSON board tonight at 6.45 sharp.
ALL new clubs formed during the past year and not represented in last year's Index must send list of officers and members to Wm. H. Wiggin Jr., 6 Beacon St. Boston before Nov. 12 if they are to be represented in the Index this year.
tf'96 ELEVEN. - All candidates for the freshman eleven be on Jarvis at 3.00 sharp. Great need of more men.
A. BORDEN,Temp. Capt.On Wednesday evening, Nov. 16th. at eight o'clock Prof. Greenough will speak before the Classical Club in Harvard 1 on Roman Art, - "House Decoration." The lecture will be illustrated by the lantern, and is open to all members of the University.
PIERIAN SODALITY - Rehearsal at 7. Candidates for snare and kettle-drums may apply at that time at Robert's Hall.
THE special sale to season ticket holders will take place on Monday Nov. 14 at Leavitt & Peirce's.
One seat in the best sections will be reserved for every season-ticket which is presented uncancelled.
Season tickets must be presented between 8 a.m., and 8 p.m. After this sale no season ticket holder will have any claim for preference in obtaining seats.
HERBERT H. WHITE.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - There will be a rehearsal on Monday, Nov. 14th, at 6.30 p.m. in No. 1 Hilton's. The following men: Armstrong, Harris, Booth, Braman, Williams, C. L. Bremer, Hildreth, Sayles, Hazelton and Farovid, will be prepared to play "The Enchantress Waltz" by T. L. Lansing.
Temp, Sec,VARSITY FOOT BALL. - Practice will begin at 2.45 sharp. Every man must be prompt. If any man cannot be dressed ready for play at that time he must see me before 1 p.m. today,
All those who do not tackle before playing must tackle immediately after practice.
B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.Let everyone who wishes to attend the dinner to be given under the auspices of the Harvard Democratic Club, on Thursday evening Nov. 17, sign book at Leavitt & Pierce's before Wednesday noon. Price $2.50. No dress suits.
Dinner Committee,S. Berry '92,T. H. Soren '93.
C. R. Falk '93.THE public sale of tickets for the Yale game will be held tomorrow. There will be a limit of five seats on the side sections and none on the end sections.
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