
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. Professor Egbert C. Smyth D. D. preached last night in Appleton Chapel on the text, - These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God., Revelation 3 ch. 14 v.

God reveals himself to us in his revelations by a method of beginnings; beginnings used in the sense of the flowing stream, with ever fresh eddies and turns, ever starting some new action, and yet itself one continuous endless whole. Observe that this idea of repeated fresh starts does not in any way destroy the continuity of nature. Any study of her processes is but the making of new discoveries, and then in their light and the light of what has gone before, making fresh beginnings in the steady onward progress. No where does there come a break.

In the same way is life a series of fresh starts, of new beginnings, every week, every day, every hour even, making one. The great helpful moral end of this are the innumerable chances of recovery, of fresh starts, which are so needful in this life of ours. At night we lay down a burden that seems too heavy to again take up and how often have we in the morning been able to renew the task to pick up the burden and go on.

The lesson taught is the great affluence of God s resources. How all we see around us, the grass, the trees. and everything else on this earth, to the heavenly bodies above, proclaim His boundless wealth, and endless power of manifestation ! And what can we say of our daily mercies? - ever new incentives to effort, new aids for new cases. How can we help but believe from all this that our life here is but a beginning also, but the promise of an endless life, of a life to come after this one.

The anthems sung were: "Sing to the Lord"; Bunnett; "Save us, O God;" Webbe; "Holy Spirit, Come" Martin.


English 6.Debate for Thursday, Nov. 17, 1892.

Question: Resolved that the efficiency of the public service requires that no public affair take part in the management of parties or of campaigns.

Brief for the Affirmative.

B. H. ROUNSAVILLE and O. G. VILLARD.Best general references: Bryce's Am. Commonwealth. II. Chaps. 55, 67, 88; Lalors Cyclopedia, I. 478-485; Eight Report Civil Service Commission, June, 1884. p. 1. - 15; Forum, XIV, Oct. 1892, 201; Nation XLVIII. June 6, 1889, 467;

I. The claims of the public service are paramount to party allegiance, Lalor, I. 488, - (a) Elected primarily to serve the government.

II. Party management by public officials distracts their attention from good administration, - (a) Most government offices purely administrative. Eight Rep. Civ. Ser. Com., June 1891. p. 15.

III. Interference by officials tends to create powerful rings and bosses - (a) Foundation of Philadelphia Gas Ring: Bryce II. Chap. 88; - (b) Tweeds N. Y. Ring: Bryce II. Chaps. 63, 102;

IV. Political interference causes the deterioration of the public service - (a) Good men repelled, poor men attracted: Nation June 6, 1889. Bryce, Chap. 58; - (b) Conversion of public service into mere place hunting; Nation June 6, 1889. - (c) Condition of War Dept. Nov. 1892 - (d) Absence of cabinet officers in the late Campaign.
