
The Annex.


From the advance sheets of the Secretary and Treasurer of the "Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women." the CRIMSON is enabled to give a condensed report of affairs at the Annex during the year 1891-92. In addition to these reports is a statement of the accommodations and advantages of the Annex, by the Secretary, Mr. Arthur Gilman. He calls particular attention to the fact that the instructors are the regular instructors of the University, and that the students of the Annex are allowed a free use of the University Library.

The Treasurer's report shows that the total receipts for last year were about fifty thousand dollars, the chief item being that of thirty-four thousand dollars for tuition. The expenditures were some two thousand dollars less than the receipts, about twenty-eight thousand being paid out for instruction.

The Secretary's report contains a great deal of very interesting matter. The Secretary points out first of all that the number of students increased from 174 to to 241 a gain of 67. The teaching force last year numbered over seventy Professors and other Instructors of Harvard College, and included very many of the older members of the Faculty, All departments and courses show an increase and the graduates numbered twenty-two, who came from all parts of the country. The graduates to receive the certificate of Bachelor of Arts were ten, in number. One young lady received the M. A. certificate. One received Final Honors in Classics and one Final Honors in History, while there were three successful candidates for second year honors in classics.

The Sargent Prize for the best metrical translation of an ode from Horace also fell to an Annex student. Of last year's graduates three are pursuing higher studies and four are teaching in important educational institutions.

The Annex building has been enlarged by an addition sixty feet by thirty, three stories high. The greatest present need in the way of buildings is a small gymnasium to cost not more than thirty thousand dollars. A dormitory is not wanted, because it is felt that the home influence from living with private families is preferable.


There is but one scholarship in the gifts of the Annex, that of $5000, established by Maria Denny Fay. The students generally make up another among themselves.

There were eighty courses in all last year, attended by about eight hundred and fifty students. Three hundred and one studied English, ninety nine history, eighty-eight German, sixty-five Latin, fifty French, and forty-six Greek. The courses varied in number from fourteen in English, with eight each in History and French, to one in Chemistry and other sciences.

Since the Annex was founded, fifty-six have received the degree of B. A. Highest Final Honors in Classics have been awarded but once, Final Honors five times. Highest Second Year Honors have been secured by two, and Second Year Honors by ten. Final Honors in History have been awarded twice.

It is a noteworthy fact that twenty states were represented, ranging from Massachusetts to California. Students came from one hundred and thirteen different educational institutions.
