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WE have already drawn the attention of the Freshman Class to the poor support they are giving their Eleven and their continued indifference makes it again necessary to remind them that the game with Yale comes off in two weeks and that so far there are actually not enough men to make up two elevens. Such a state of affairs indicates that the class has small interest in the Eleven, for there are competent football men if they would only come out. As we have said before the eleven is not yet definitely made out and the fact that a few men have gone to the training table should not keep any man from playing. More men are wanted - even twenty-two candidates it seems cannot be gotten from a class of four hundred - and they must come out if the class is to show well against Yale. The coaches of the eleven are having serious difficulty on account of this small number of candidates and we trust that the class will take this matter in hand and do their part as we know they can do it.
