AMATEUR FINISHING. - McCann, Photographer, 186 N Ave.
1m.DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 8 P. M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.
1y.ADVANCED FRENCH. - Private tutoring by an experienced French teacher, terms reasonable. Also reading French of advanced Harvard courses with single pupils, or classes. Apply for terms and particulars to "Advanced French."
6tGEO. MENDALL TAYLOR, Teacher of Voice and Piano, coaching in songs and part singing a specialty. Residence 349 Harvard street.
TUTORING in History I and 10; Govt. 1; Philosophy 1; Ger. A. B. C. 1a, 1b, and 4. Call evenings or send postal card.
C. A. LOCH '94
777 Main St.LOST Saturday on Jarvis Field a pocket book with a small sum of money Finder please return to Leavitt & Peirce.
PHILOSOPHY 1. Spansh 1, Tutoring. Seminar in Philosophy 1 Sat. eve Nov. 5. 92.
A. C. FAY '93.
33C.PHILOSOPHY 1 and 5, Economics 4, History 11 and 12, Government and Law 1. Fine Arts 3. Tutoring.
28 2t
W. W. NOLAN, 2 Manter Hall.
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