
Republican Club Rally.

There will be a big rally held the latter part of this week in Boston under the auspices of the Harvard Republican Club. Addresses will be made by Harvard graduates and the affair will be distinctly a Harvard one, though the meeting will be open to all. It will be similar to the meeting held in Boston, four years ago by the Republican club here. Tremont Temple has been engaged for Saturday night, and Meionaon Hall for an overflow meeting.

Rev. Edward Everett Hale will be the presiding officer. The list of speakers is not completed but includes such well known men as the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Hon. Theodore Roosevelt of New York, one of the Civil Service Commissioners, Hon. Roger Wolcott of Massachusetts, Elihu Root Esq. of New York, Ex. Gov. J. I. A. Brackett and other distinguished alumni.

Seats will be reserved on the platform and in the front galleries for the members of the Republican Club who will be there in a body. Music will be furnished by the Harvard Republican Club Band. The doors will be thrown open at 7.15., Saturday night and the speaking will begin at 8.
