

HARVARD CAMERA CLUB - Important meeting in 60 Thayer Wednesday evening at 7.30. All members of the University wishing to join the club will please send their names by postal to

F. H. CUMMINGS. SEC.60 Thayer.Harvard Republican Club. - All members of the university may have measurements for their crimson gowns and white mortar-boards, taken at either store of Brine's. This should be done as soon as possible so that the uniforms may be finished in time. Shingles may be had any day at 2 p. m. in 23 Holworthy.

R. M. Gillespie, Sec.H. A. A. - All new members of the University, are urged to join at once. Secretary's hours, 12 to 1 p.m., Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 19 Holworthy. Those so desiring, may join at Thurston's.


GEORGE CROMPTON, Sec.HARVARD REPUBLICAN BAND. - Meet with uniforms at gymnasium at 7 sharp.


H. F. KENT.HARVARD DEMOCRATIC CAMPAIGN CLUB. - All members who have not yet paid their initiation fees must do so today or tomorrow. Leave money at Leavitt's or at my room 22 Hastings, between 2.30 and 3.30 p. m.


MURRAY BARTLETT, Treas.H. A. A. - Those who intend to go into the varsity games on Saturday may make their entries at the Gymnasium from eleven to one on Wednesday and Thursday. Entries close Thursday evening at 10 p. m. with the secretary.

28-t3H. A. A. - All those who won events in the freshman games yesterday may obtain their prizes at Leavitt and Pierce's Second prizes are given to men where three or more competed.

GEOLOGY IV. Mr. Griswold will conduct an excursion to the Mystic Quarries, Tuesday Nov. 1, leaving the Oxford St. steps of the Museum at 2.35 p. m.

N. S, SHALER.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB TRIAL - There will be a record trial of candidates for the Freshman Glee Club tonight at 7 o'clock. Every candidate should bring a song. Trial of accompanists also.
