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The Freshman games which took place yesterday afternoon came very near being a complete failure and reflected little credit on Ninety-six. They were about the poorest and flattest attempt at track games that we have ever witnessed, and compared to the games of the last few years they were very discouraging. Ninety-six, either because they have no material or no interest - have made a poor showing in this regard. We understand that some of the competitors who had entered were obliged to attend football practice, but this slight exception is no excuse for the miserable number of entries. In several events, morever, many of the competitors did not appear and four events had to be postponed because their were no entries. The games themselves were very slow and the number of freshmen who had interest enough to attend did not aggregate over a dozen. Although this small attendance may be due in part to the class football game, it cannot entirely excuse such disgraceful indifference. Upon the whole the games were a wretched failure.
