
Freshman Games.

It was unfortunate for the management of the freshman games that the class football championship was being decided at precisely the same hour. As a result of this conflict the attendance was exceedingly small and the interest very slight Very few freshmen turned out, and the class as a whole deserves censure for its lack of support. The entries were larger than last year, but a great nunber of the competitors failed to appear. The mile walk, and mile run had to be abandoned, as only one man was on hand in the former event, while none whatevey came out in the former. Most of the shot and hammer men were playing football, and these event were postponed until today.

The games opened with the team race which proved to be the drawing card. The victory of '93 was well earned and Hubbell deserves much of the credit. The end of the first lap resulted with S. M. Merrill '94, leading, W. F. Garcelon, L. S. second, W. L. Thompson '93 third, and F. A. Pillsbury '95, fourth. In the second lap, J. O. Nichols L. S. spurted and finished first, E. B. Hill '94, second, C. E. Hutchinson '93 third, and D. W. Fenton '95 fourth. The third quarter ended with E. W. Pinkham, L. S., leading by five yards, H. F. Kent '93, second, H. M. Wheelwright '94, third, and N. H. White '95, fourth. On the last lap. J. Corbin, Gr., started out with a big lead, closely followed by C. G. Hubbell, who caught up in the last few strides and won in 3 min. 32 4-5 sec., five seconds slower than the time made last spring. J. Corbin was second, H. C. Lakin '94, third, and N. W. Bingham Jr. '95, fourth.

The 100-yard dash was run in six preliminary heats. First heat; 1st L. W. Jenkins, 2nd E. S. Benedict. Time 10 4-5 s; second heat; 1st, H. R. Storrs, 2nd., E. F. Champney. Time, 11s.; third heat; 1st., L. Sayer, 2nd., G. L. Collins. Time 10 4-5s.; fourth heat; 1st., L. T. Hildreth, 2nd., C. S. Fuller. Time, 11s.; 'fifth beat; 1st. Storrs, 2nd., Jenkins. Time 10 3-5 s.; semi-finals; 1st., Sayer, 2nd., Hildreth. Time, 10 4-5s.; The final heat was very close, Storrs winning by a narrow margin, with Sayer second. Time 10 4-5 s.

There were only two entries in the two mile bicycle race which was a regular loaf. J. C, Hunt led into the stretch, but was passed by J. W. Eddy who won by a foot in 6. min. 58 2-5 sec.

There men started in the quarter and it was won by B. W. Thompson, closely pressed by F. L. Huidekoper, who was second, time 57 1-5s


E. F. Champney won the 120 yards hurdle in very good form with R. Codman second, The time 18 sec. is good for a freshman meeting.

The first lap of the half mile was slow but on the second H. River spurted and won in 2 min 20 4-5 s. R. W. Bull was a good second.

The first heat of the 220 yards dash resulted; 1st. L. Sayer, 2nd. M. Green. Time 24 4-5s; second heat; 1st. E. C. Benedict, 2nd. R. C. Thomas. Time 24 1-5 s. The final was won easily by L. Sayer with Benedict second. Time 25 3-5 s.

The 220 yards hurdle was run in one heat and G. D. Whitehead finished first with E. F. Champney second. Time 30 s.

In the meantime the field events were being contested. W. E. Putnam won the running high jump handily, cleaning the bar at 5ft. 5 in., without a miss. L. Sayer was second with a height of 5 ft. 3 in.

The broad jumping contest was as interesting as the distances were short: 18 ft 10 in. L. D. Smith was second distance 17 ft 8 in.

L. M. Jenkins and W. E. Putnam were tied in the pole vault with the bar at 9ft. 4 in. Darkness put an end to the contest which will be decided today.
